Grasping Objects Big and Small: Human Heuristics Relating Grasp-Type and Object Size
Published in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2018
<a href=\"\">Video</a>, This paper presents an online data collection method that captures human intuition about what grasp types are preferred for different fundamental object shapes and sizes. Survey questions are based on an adopted taxonomy that combines grasp pre-shape, approach, wrist orientation, object shape, orientation and size which covers a large swathe of common grasps. For example, the survey identifies at what object height or width dimension (normalized by robot hand size) the human prefers to use a two finger precision grasp versus a three-finger power grasp. This information is represented as a confidence-interval based polytope in the object shape space. The result is a database that can be used to quickly find potential pre-grasps that are likely to work, given an estimate of the object shape and size. grasp type, human study
authors: Ammar Kothari and John Morrow and Victoria Thrasher and Kadon Engle and Ravi Balasubramanian and Cindy Grimm
Authors: Ammar Kothari and John Morrow and Victoria Thrasher and Kadon Engle and Ravi Balasubramanian and Cindy Grimm