Image-space Constraints for Controlling Camera Interpolation

Published in Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2011

The full version can be found <a href=\"./content/papers/i3d2011ci/i3d2011ciFull.pdf\">here</a>. This paper presents a novel interface for using image-space con- straints to control camera interpolation in animation sequences. Traditional camera control can be challenging because the user must envision how the camera should be positioned in order to place the objects on the image plane the way they want. While it is fairly simple to place an object in the center of the scene and rotate the camera around it, more complex camera motions that involve both view direction change and motion of the object across the screen can be very difficult to envision and implement with smooth motion. In contrast, we provide a simple interface that allows the user to directly draw out the trajectory, size, and orientation of an object on the screen, while the system automatically solves for a sequence of cameras that satisfies those constraints. Unlike previous image- space constraint approaches, we use a constraint vocabulary which is both easy to use and produces more stable solutions. Camera interpolation, Storytelling Alice

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authors: Ross Sowell and Tom Erez and Emily Feder and Cindy Grimm and Jianqi Xing and Leon Barrett

Authors: Ross Sowell and Tom Erez and Emily Feder and Cindy Grimm and Jianqi Xing and Leon Barrett
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